Not Alone

Reviewed by: BreeAnna Bailey, a professional writing major at Taylor University



Title: Not Alone

AuthorMiriam Neff

Publisher: Regnery Faith

Publication Date: October 23, 2017

Format: Paperback

Length: 224 Pages


Miriam Neff is a widow herself and therefore possesses a unique ability to portray the stories of biblical widows in a realistic manner. She personalizes these accounts and not only draws the reader in with her vivid imagery but also utilizes each testimony as a way to teach valuable lessons. Neff brings one through the lives of eleven amazing women in the Bible who faced unimaginable heartache yet still were blessed by God. Each story is preceded by a verse reference and, although it is fictional, every narrative is biblically sound. After hearing the widow’s perspective, readers will find study questions, thought provoking points, and personal applications provided by Neff to help them dive even deeper.



Rating (1 to 5)

4 stars

Suggested Audience

Women 15 and older

Christian Impact

The stories in this book make it enjoyable to read, yet its impact is much deeper. The additional notes and questions after every tale truly open the reader’s heart to a whole new perspective on life’s trials. These are not generic questions but rather ones that go to the heart of an issue. Neff challenges the reader to reevaluate her approach to life and make intentional steps to surrender yet another aspect of a life for God. Although this is a book specifically about widows, anyone can easily draw great insights and inspiration from its pages.


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Not Alone: 11 Inspiring Stories of Courageous Widows from the Bible

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