Catching the Wind

Reviewed by: Mary Clapp, public librarian and former church librarian


Title: Catching the Wind

Author: Melanie Dobson

Publisher: Tyndale

Publication Date: 2017

Format: print

Length: 399 pages


This is a captivating and unforgettable story about two friends, Daniel, age 13 and Bridgette, age 10, who find themselves alone after Gestapo agents arrest and take away their parents during World War II in Germany. Miraculously, the two children make their way to safety in England, only to be separated from each other. Daniel vows to find Bridgette after the war. The story slips back and forth between their escape from Germany to modern times where we learn about Daniel’s life long quest for Bridgette. He hires Quenby, an American journalist known for finding missing people. The story also addresses what is was like to be a refugee during World War II and relating it to the refugee problems of today.


Rating (1 to 5)

5 stars

Suggested Audience

This would be a good book for readers who enjoy historical fiction, or anyone who enjoys a good story. It would be a good addition to a church library.

Christian Impact

There are many Christian themes throughout this book. Daniel’s faithfulness stands out most prominently. Other themes include forgiveness for past wrongs, especially in childhood, redemption, and hope.


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Catching the Wind

About Ceil Carey

The Evangelical Church Library Association, founded in 1970, is a fellowship of Christian churches, schools, and individuals.

One Response to “Catching the Wind”

  1. I love WW2 Historical Fiction! This one is no exception. . .

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