Christians in the Age of Outrage: How to Bring Our Best When the World Is at Its Worst

Reviewed by: G. Connor Salter, a Professional Writing major at Taylor University



Title: Christians in the Age of Outrage: How to Bring Our Best When the World Is at Its Worst

Author: Ed Stetzer

Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

Publication Date: 2018

Format: Paperback

Length: 309 pages


Americans live in a society where everyone seems to be shouting at each other . . . and Christians usually just add to the shouting. Ed Stetzer faces that problem head-on, outlining the ways and reasons that Christians tend to react with outrage to political and social trends. He then unpacks why this is a problem and describes ways that Christians can bring positive change to American culture.

While it’s possible to write a book that accurately pinpoints problems a Christian community is having, it takes rare insight and humility to do it well. Fortunately, Stetzer brings those qualities and many others to this book. He balances hard discussions about how Christianity has lost its dominance in American culture with appeals to history that show Christians have often lived in pluralistic societies. He critiques Christians who’ve caused damage with their outrage, while also admitting his own mistakes. Perhaps most importantly, Stetzer combines explaining problems with giving solutions. All these elements work together to create a convicting, compelling and highly relevant book.


Rating (1 to 5)

5 out of 5 stars

Suggested Audience

Christians trying learn how to responsibly use social media, how to approach modern controversial topics (such as the LGBTQ movement) and how to build connections with people who have very different political or cultural views.

Christian Impact

This book will give Christians a biblically based, mature understanding of how to interact with their culture.



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Christians in the Age of Outrage: How to Bring Our Best When the World Is at Its Worst

About Ceil Carey

The Evangelical Church Library Association, founded in 1970, is a fellowship of Christian churches, schools, and individuals.


  1. The Ekron Initiative Memo 16 – Fellowship & Fairydust - October 20, 2023

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