Embers in the London Sky

Reviewed by:

Contessa Hussong from Vandalia, Ohio, a Professional Writing student at Taylor University in Upland, IN.


Embers in the London Sky


Sarah Sundin




Publication Date:



Print book


369 pages


All Aleida Martins has ever hoped for is her son’s safety. When her abusive husband gives away her child after a Nazi bombing, Aleida finds herself far from home and farther from safety, with all of London as her searching grounds.

Caught up in the young immigrant’s search, BBC correspondent Hugh Collingwood hopes to find more than a story in his budding relationship with Aleida. Yet his own troubles begin when a string of murders take priority over his broadcasts, leaving the journalist with more questions than answers. As Aleida gets closer to finding her son, it seems the murderer may strike again— this time, with sights set on Aleida herself.

Delicately written and rich with dynamic characters, Embers in the London Sky is no ordinary historical romance. Readers travel with Hugh as he broadcasts the latest London bombings, and Aleida’s growth and struggles create a true sense of sympathy for the young widow. Sundin carefully handles the effects of Aleida’s obsessive-compulsive behavior, is sensitive to the young widow’s triggers as a survivor of abuse, and creates a deep sense of reality as Hugh navigates life as an asthmatic living in a city of smoke and fire.



4.5 out of 5

Suggested Audience

Perfect for fans of historical romance, Embers in the London Sky captures a large audience. The political intrigue, mysterious murders, and solid writing make this book ideal for cozy mystery readers, and an adult general fiction audience. Cat lovers are sure to love Hugh’s fondness for his adopted Lennox, while mothers will relate deeply to Aleida’s sense of protection and care for her young son.

Christian Impact

Neither heavy-handed nor apologetic, Sundin’s exploration of faith in trial and trust in the Lord are, in many ways, as delicately written as her characters’ love for one another. Hugh and Aleida’s prayers invite readers to ponder the meaning of surrender and create a well-drawn image of a spirit at peace in the midst of chaos and war.

Other Notes (Optional)

Sensitive readers should be warned that Embers in the London Sky does tackle a variety of difficult topics. Though Sundin never explicitly shows physical abuse, the book begins by showing Aleida’s husband’s verbal abuse, with the threat of physical violence always around the corner. Additionally, with the book being set during WWII and featuring a murder mystery, a variety of characters are killed or injured.

Sundin gently shows Aleida’s obsessive-compulsive tendencies, touches on her mental state throughout the story, and depicts multiple asthma attacks that Hugh suffers. Readers dealing with similar afflictions may easily find a friend in these characters yet should take note of the behavior if they find it a difficult matter to process.


Embers in the London Sky



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