Tag Archives: History

The Stars in April

Perhaps the most compelling parts of Ruth’s journey are the questions she wrestles with over the course of the book. For example, how do you handle unexpected changes in life? Or what does it look like to step outside of yourself and care for the needs of others?

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Christian History in Seven Sentences: A Small Introduction to a Vast Topic

It’s been said that those who ignore the past are condemned to repeat it. This is perhaps especially true for Christianity, which makes specific historical claims about its origins and has had many groups who made big mistakes. Therefore, it’s important for Christians to at least know the basics of Christian history. Jennifer Woodruff Tait looks at seven Christian documents that changed the course of Christianity in big ways:

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Did America Have a Christian Founding?

The focus of Hall’s book Did America Have a Christian Founding focuses on Christianity’s role in the founding of America. When supporting his points, Hall uses primary documents almost exclusively.

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Tortured for Christ (50th Anniversary Edition)

Whether readers view it as a historical document about past persecution, a story about grace and faith, or an argument for the church to get serious about helping underground churches, the story will move them like few other books can.

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