Tag Archives: Jesus

The Bible Code: Finding Jesus in Every Book in the Bible

Hawkins take readers into the context of each book of the Bible, showing how each has something beneath the surface that provides unexpected spiritual rewards.

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Seeing Jesus from the East: A Fresh Look at History’s Most Influential Figure

The authors make an excellent case that one needs to understand Jesus in his Eastern context to capture the full flavor of his teaching.

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(Book review) The Sleepy Shepherd

This is the story of Silas, one of the shepherds on the hills near Bethlehem, and how he slept through the angels appearance (one can’t help but wonder how that was possible, but I digress…..) and so missed seeing the infant Messiah. However, years later, he was present in the Garden of Gethsemane, and realized this was the same person his fellow-shepherds told him about so long ago.

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Friend of Sinners: Why Jesus Cares More about Relationship than Perfection

The book is simple to read, yet deep in its message and themes.  The author has a sense of humor that makes the book enjoyable, but the reader never misses the point of the author’s diligence in expressing the merits of scripture.

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