The Set-Apart Woman

Set Apart Woman-Reviewed by: Autumn Carroll, Taylor University student



Title: The Set-Apart Woman: God’s Invitation to Sacred Living

Author: Leslie Ludy

Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

Publication Date: March 2015

Format: Print Book

Length: 250 pages


The Set-Apart Woman is an interesting look into how God calls His daughters to be set apart from the general populace and provides motivating chances for both group study and personal reflection at the close of each chapter. However, this book also attempts to communicate many ideas that come across as dangerous to any mind lacking absolute self-awareness.

The Set-Apart Woman denounces legalism by name constantly, but praises it in spirit, which can create a dangerous confusion among Christian readers who choose to take the author’s advice. In fact, Ludy continuously goes so far as to recommend denying yourself of basic self care, sleep, and regular meals to ensure that God is in the forefront of your life. While fasting has its place and prayer is essential, Ludy’s advice seems incredibly detrimental for anyone struggling with healthy self-care, especially as she repeatedly glosses over the pain of trials in her past as if true reliance on God means all pain from this world disappears.

Indeed, rather than encouraging a Christianity that emphasizes individual strengths as the Bible does (1 Peter 4:10-11), Ludy urges readers “don’t consult your emotions,” and instead to live by the legalistic guidelines readers have set for themselves to the point of sleepless nights and unattended meals. Ludy even goes so far as to claim the body crying out for care is nothing but the enemy trying to tear an individual down (64). These arguments are reminiscent of those who denounce modern medicine simply because God could do that healing even better. Whereas God certainly can heal the sick and provide for the sleepless, He provides medicine and time reserved for sleep and self-care for our benefit.

Additionally, Ludy devotes an entire chapter deliberately to ignoring God’s praise for skepticism and the dangers it saves us from, once again urging her readership to ignore emotions, to believe things that don’t match up, and to denounce any doubters just as she does (169). But God warns against blind belief (Proverbs 14:15, 1 John 4:1) and does not condemn those who must make sure of themselves before making decisions (John 20:27).

The level of separation between Christians and non-Christians that Ludy calls for literally condemns those with an open mind and ignores the dangers of complete disconnect from the unsaved. She calls for a willing spirit but repeatedly settles on legalism if the spirit is unwilling, and she ignores the duty we have as Christians to devote ourselves to the care of God’s creation (223). Ludy chooses to interpret John 3:16 as referring to the spiritual world rather than the entirety of creation, but the Greek word used, kosmon, is the same word used in Matthew 16:26 and Mark 8:36 to refer to man gaining the world. As man has no capacity for additional souls and, as the Bible repeatedly states, little regard for the eternal realm, this word must refer to physical creation—the earth that Ludy has no motivation to advocate for, despite it being an incredibly valuable part of God’s creation and the only place where soul’s eternity can be decided.


Rating (1 to 5)

2 out of 5 stars

Suggested Audience

Adult women

Christian Impact

In short, unless you are incredibly strong in your relationship with God and actively listening to His guidance, I would not recommend picking up this book. The truths it gives can be found within God’s word, and the lies it gives are not worth your time.

Autumn Carroll is a professional writing student at Taylor University.

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The Set-Apart Woman: God's Invitation to Sacred Living

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