From the House by the Seashore

From the House by the SeashoreReviewed by: LeighAnn Wolle, professional writing major at Taylor University.



Title: From the House by the Seashore

Author: Pati Adams

Publisher: WestBow Press

Publication Date: August 2015

Format: Print Book

Length: 280 pages


Pati Adams’s life has been a journey full of painful bumps and unexpected turns. From a battle with drugs and alcohol in her teen years to an abortion and a divorce in her twenties, Adams felt her life was a total loss. God turned it around. Her family reunited, her past mistakes became a ministry opportunity, and she learned to accept and extend God’s grace. Although her life still is not perfect, God’s incredible grace pours over Adams and her family as their journey continues. From the House by the Seashore shares Pati’s incredible testimony filled with laughter, tears, and God’s unending love.

This is a self-published book, so it lacks much of the professional polish found in traditionally published books, such as smooth story transitions, anecdotal support references, and snappy dialogue. It is a sincere story, but one told by a moderately talented writer.


Rating (1 to 5)

3 out of 5 stars

Suggested Audience

Teens or Adults who feel they can no longer be loved by Christ.

Christian Impact

Pati Adams story has the potential to touch a wide variety of people. Through her struggles to her redemption, she shares of God’s never ending grace. He has turned her life around, and it is clear through this book she is using this second chance at life for His good.

LeighAnn Wolle of Cane Ridge, Tennessee, is a professional writing major at Taylor University.

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From the House by the Seashore

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