Unashamed: Drop the Baggage, Pick Up Your Freedom, Fulfill Your Destiny

Reviewed by:Megan Alms, a professional writing major at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana



Title: Unashamedunashamed-image

Author: Christine Caine

Publisher: Zondervan

Publication Date: 2016

Format: Print book

Length: 207 pages


Christine Caine has lived her entire life in shame: shame which sprouted from her heritage, her history as an abuse victim, her deviance from strict gender roles, and her constant desire to prove her worth. In Unashamed, Caine explores the steps she has taken toward becoming healed with God by her side. Through scriptural references and personal anecdotes, Caine humbly encourages other women to join her on the quest to silencing the voice of shame.

Caine emphasizes that recovery from any struggle is not an overnight process. But though the journey through the wilderness is perilous, the escape from slavery into the sanctuary of the Promised Land is worth the trek. Caine humbly admits to her own continual struggle, yet still encourages women to take heart in the knowledge that God will never abandon them. Using personal illustrations, lessons from scripture, references to psychological research, and experiences with answered prayers, she reveals a pattern for finding wholeness in a new and righteous way of life.


Rating (1 to 5)

4 stars

Suggested Audience

This book is for Christian women who experience shame in any and all forms. Whether affected by regret, guilt, unworthiness, or another form of shame, any Christian woman can relate to Caine’s words.

Christian Impact

This book reminds women that they are daughters of the One True King. God’s faithfulness is a prevalent theme in Unashamed.

Other Notes:

This book can be read along with an accompanying video curriculum guide.

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Unashamed: Drop the Baggage, Pick up Your Freedom, Fulfill Your Destiny

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