Live the Questions: How Searching Shapes Our Convictions and Commitments

Reviewed by: G. Connor Salter, Professional Writing alumnus from Taylor University, Upland, IN.



Title: Live the Questions: How Searching Shapes Our Convictions and Commitments

Author: Jeffrey F. Keuss

Publisher: InterVarsity Press

Publication Date: May 21, 2019

Format: Paperback

Length: 192 pages


What happens when you refuse to settle for simple religious answers? What if you vocalize your doubts, ask the hard questions that may not have easily definable answers? Jeffrey F. Kuess argues that in fact, that willingness to ask hard questions is what leads to a full, trusting relationship with Jesus. In each chapter of this book, he summarizes a big question that a person from the Bible asked, from Cain asking, “Am I my brother’s keeper” to the Samaritan woman asking, “Where can I get living water?” Keuss then draws out the primary questions being asked in each story and shows the mysterious, compelling answers God provides.

Keuss walks an interesting line with this book, talking about how God gives answers to some of life’s biggest questions and yet how some questions have answers we never get in this life. While it would be easy to think he cheats by focusing on questions that the Bible gives answers for, the fact is none of the answers Keuss discusses are easy. Many times, these answers require giving absolutely everything over in total reliance on God. Thus, Keuss avoids making faith seem too hard or too easy, encouraging readers to embrace both mystery and moments of clarity. All told, a very humbling and revelatory book about embracing the wild and wonder-filled faith that Jesus


Rating (1 to 5 stars)

4 stars

Intended Audience

Readers learning to deal with doubts about their faith, readers interested in how doubt and questions play a role in everyday faith.

Christian Impact

This book will open readers’ eyes to the idea that faith means something beyond knowing all the answers, that in fact mature Christian faith involves listening to one’s doubts and using them as impetus to seek deep answers to hard questions.



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Live the Questions: How Searching Shapes Our Convictions and Commitments

About Ceil Carey

The Evangelical Church Library Association, founded in 1970, is a fellowship of Christian churches, schools, and individuals.

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